With support from GIZ Uganda, the National Planning Authority (NPA) partnered with the Next Media Services, through the 4th Edition of the NBS Housing Baraza, to organize the 12th National Development Planning Forum (NDPF), which took place from Thursday 24th and Friday 25th November 2022, at Next Media Park in Naguru. The NDPF is a platform for debating national development issues that are critical to the successful realization of the Uganda Vision 2040.
This 12th Edition, on the theme “Building a Strong Housing Ecosystem”, provided an opportunity for the general public, specifically, the stakeholders along the housing value chain to enrich the paper on ‘Addressing Uganda’s Affordable Decent Housing Deficit: A Meaningful Development Strategy’ arising from a study undertaken by NPA.
The 2-day event, which was broadcast live on NBS TV, was officially opened by the Minister of State for Finance, Planning and Economic Development (Planning), Hon. Amos Lugoloobi, who was represented by Hon. Lydia Wanyoto, an Executive Board Member of NPA and was closed by Hon. Persis Namuganza, the Minister of State for Housing, Ministry of Lands, Housing & Urban Development. Dr. Joseph Muvawala, the NPA Executive Director was the keynote speaker at the event.
According to Hon. Lugoloobi, evidence shows that 40% of the country’s carbon emissions are from the construction sub-sector. It is, therefore, imperative that the existing ecosystem for affordable housing delivery is improved to respond to both current and new challenges ahead including; urban poverty, climate change, energy and resource consumption habits, and green buildings.
Arch. Robert Kiggundu, the Chairman of the Architects Registration Board called for continuous sensitization of both individual and commercial developers to use professional service providers along the housing value chain for a quality product and to achieve value for money. However, it emerged that there is a shortage of professionals in the construction sector compared to the demand. According to Eng. Andrew Muhwezi, the Chairman of the Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers- UIPE, there are currently only 204 registered engineers actively practicing engineers; 150 of whom are civil engineers, 30 electrical engineers, and 24 mechanical engineers.
It also emerged that there is a need for an integrated database on housing supply and demand to provide insights into the needs and preferences of households, their linkages with demographic shifts, as well as housing gaps across different parts of the country. As much as possible, the repository of information should be made available to all relevant stakeholders, thereby enabling better-informed decisions across the board. For the Government in particular, the database will be useful in supporting housing interventions that are more targeted, more efficient, and better coordinated with other public policies to build stronger communities.
Dr. Muvawala the NPA Executive Director (3rd left) and Hon. Lydia Wanyoto a member of the NPA Executive Board with other partners on the 4th Edition of the NBS Housing Baraza