The Physical Planning (Amendment) Act, 2024 dissolved the Physical Planning Board and transferred it’s functions to the NPA. Therefore, this …

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Kampala: 1 October, 2024

The National Planning Authority (NPA) was established by the NPA Act (15 of 2002) in accordance with Article 125 of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. The mandate of the Authority is to produce comprehensive and integrated development plans for the country, elaborated in terms of the perspective vision, long and medium–term plans. Additionally, the Physical Planning (Amendment) Act, 2024 dissolved the Physical Planning Board and transferred its functions to the NPA. Therefore, this is to inform the general public about the Physical Planning functions of the NPA effective 15 July 2024.

The Physical Planning functions of the NPA

  1. To cause to be prepared national and regional physical development plans for the orderly and sustainable development of Uganda;
  2. To ensure the   coordination   of   the   preparation of physical development plans made by local governments;
  3. To hear and determine appeals lodged by a person or local government aggrieved by the decision of a physical planning committee;
  4. To determine and resolve physical planning matters referred to it by physical planning committees;
  5. To advise the Government on all matters relating to physical planning and urban development, including physical planning policies and physical planning standards;
  6. To study and give guidance and recommendations on issues relating to physical planning which transcend more than one local government for purposes of co­-ordination and integration of physical development planning;
  7. To approve urban or district physical development plans;
  8. To recommend to the Minister regional and national physical development plans for approval by Cabinet;
  9. To advise the Minister responsible for local governments on the declaration and upgrading of urban authorities and cities;
  10. To advise the Minister on the declaration of special planning areas;
  11. To monitor and evaluate the implementation of physical development plans;
  12. To ensure the implementation of local government physical development plans;
  13. To ensure the integration of physical planning with social and economic planning at the national and local government levels;
  14. To exercise general supervisory powers over all physical planning committees;
  15. To co-ordinate physical planning-related activities in Uganda to ensure the orderly and sustainable development of human settlements in rural and urban areas;
  16. To sensitize the public on matters of physical planning;
  17. To issue guidelines to ensure effective participation and engagement of the public in physical planning; and
  18. To cause to renew urban areas and improve slums and other informal settlements.


Therefore, the general public is informed about the transfer of the physical planning functions to the NPA. This is also to guide that all issues relating to physical planning that were initially under the purview of the National Physical Planning Board should be addressed to;


The Executive Director

National Planning Authority

P.O.Box 21434

Clement Hill Road, Kampala



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